Assisting Young Children Start School

Parents should be concerned to provide learning opportunities for their children. Guidelines should be given to parents on high-quality education and early care. Parents pressurize children on their academic education, which is not the right.

Parents must know the possible ways of learning opportunities for their kid. Their preference should include early childhood education or child-care.

Budding phase of a child’s life is a crucial period. Children nourishment and stimulation in these early years helps to prepare them for formal reading and social skills. These skills make a difference when they join kinder garden. Parents are first teachers for their children, this kinds of programs are essential for parents who work full-time.

It is believed that a pre-approved process with early childhood program standards will shape every child and encourage learning and development of young children. These standard guidelines allow parents to identify the early education importance.

Physical, social, emotional and cognitive development elements are to be considered while identifying whether their child is ready for early education or not. These elements indicate that your child is ready to initiate a structured program.

Details of Physical, Social, Emotional and Cognitive Development Elements:

Physical readiness:

  • Child should be able to perform daily routine activities like washing hands, eating food and putting up pants without assistance.
  • Child should comfortably sit for longer period of time without sleeping and listen to the stories, participate in singing songs.
  • Child should be able to hold crayons or markers to sketch.

Social readiness:

  • Child should comfortably understand and follow basic instructions.They should able to share curriculum with other adults and family.
  • Child should be ready to take part in group activities and play with other children that will increase interaction with other children.
  • Children should feel comfortable while interacting with other adults.

Emotional readiness:

  • Child should be able to stay away from their parents for a prolong period of time. They should be comfortable with other children and adults around them.
  • Child should be able do assigned activities and comfortable to work independently for shorter time period. They should be capable to follow a pattern and structure.

Cognitive readiness:

  • Children should have eagerness to learn and capability to listen and understand a story.
  • Children should be able to understand and replicate fundamental instructions.
  • Children quickly respond to the new environment so assisting them to start a school will definitely have positive impact on their development.

If we teach these basic instructions at home, it will be easy for teachers to guide a kid and shape their career. Apart from above mentioned guideline, please feel free to post on our GCS blog.

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